My name is Ashley and I am the Curator here. I first met Amy when we were both Freshmen at Cottey College in Nevada, MO. Anyone who has any knowledge of Cottey knows what a bonding experience just attending together is, and the two of us were in the same suite. We went through a lot at that school but, as I predicted, we lost contact after graduation. Surely it was just one of those things--neither of us is any good at maintaining long distance friendships. After more hardships and soul searching while separated, I suddenly got a call from Switzerland this past Spring to catch up. Though we had spoken a few times in between, something unnameable had changed. Daily Amy-time was like a drug. When she joked that she would move down to Hawai'i in order to be my roommate, I said that sounded like a great idea. As they say, "The rest is history."
A habit of ours is to meticulously analyze and compare our personalities. Some people party; we do this. We've often joked that we should let some local filmmaker document our lives together. Not that that would ever happen--it took us this long to even do this! This blog will have two purposes: to document these comparisons and to share the funny and often strange nocturnal habits we notice. Because whythef**knot?
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